June civ 6 patch
June civ 6 patch

june civ 6 patch

june civ 6 patch

O Preppers – Improvised Traps: Units can build the Improvised Trap that causes damage and the loss of a movement point to any unit that moves onto it. Mutant units do not take fallout damage from mutant spread Red Death. They spread Red Death to non-Red Death hexes automatically for 1 Radiation Charge per hex. O Mutants – Radiant Personalities: Mutants that start their turn in the Red Death absorb 8 Radiation Charges per turn. O Jocks – Hail Mary: Small tactical nuke that can be launched from any combat unit. If another player pops the supply drop, it triggers an explosion at that location. O Borderlords – Grieving Gift: Deploy a fake supply drop to a given location on the next turn.


These promotions can then be used to return the GDR to full operation status. The GDR instead earns promotions when units sacrifice themselves to it.

june civ 6 patch

The GDR starts damaged and does not heal or gain experience normally. O Cultists – The Undying Eye: Cultists start the game with a crippled GDR. Initiating an attack deactivates Camouflage. Adjacent enemy units can see Camouflaged units. O Aliens – Xenological Camouflage: All units can use Xenological Camouflage to become invisible to most units.

  • Faction Unique Abilities - Every faction, both old and new, has been outfitted with a unique ability.
  • Zombie Hordes instead will heal and gain additional Zombie units when an enemy unit is defeated or by exploring City Ruins, Raider Camps, and Supply Drops. These units can’t heal normally and take damage over time. O Zombies – Civilization’s undead rise for humanity’s final moments - The Zombie faction replaces all combat units with Zombie Hordes. They also have health regeneration upping their survivability in any given skirmish. O Aliens – They’ve always been here… watching from the shadows - The Alien faction specializes in camouflage technology allowing them to turn invisible and ambush their enemies or escape dangerous situations.

    June civ 6 patch